Year of the Qui (Water) Boar 4632. First Moon: February 13-March 14, 1983. The month of Peace. Recognize your struggles and use them as opportunities to achieve harmony.
To determine your sign, check for your year of birth at the entry for each sign. This determines your astrological prediction for the month. Females should contemplate Stellar interpretations as follows;
Sign, Men's: Rat Ox -TigerCat Dragon Snake Horse -RamFemale Read Monkey Ram Horse Snake Dragon Cat Cock Dog Boar
Dog Cock
Sign, Men's: Monkey Female
: Tiger Ox Rat Boar
RAT: 1900-112-124-136-148-160-172 Be aware of interaction; problems us. The desire to immediately solve. Don't drawn back by failures. Be success oriented; also be thorough. Take your time.
OX: 1901-13-125-137-149-161-173 Success is in the stars for you but be caution of extremes. You have many areas this year to overcome and others to nourish. Focus: don't jump unaware into change. TIGER: 1902-114-126-138-150-162-174 Don't be obsessed with the unnecessary (such as appearances), or be too impatient. The new and meaningful will be seen as others come to your assistance this month. CAT: 1903-15-127-139-151-163-175 Se practical and more organized. Use your talent. Be Pleasant with others but set off some time for yourself. Plan your strategy. DRAGON: 1904-116-128-40-152-164-176 Curb your need to be energetic. Proceed without fear or anxiety but proceed slowly. Take time to develope your feelings wholly. Adapt.
SNAKE: 1905-17-129-141-153-165-'77 Develope some self-confidence, (others beleive in youso why souldn't you?). You will get along with others better. Take care of any property investments.
HORSE: 1906-118-130-142-154-166-178 Hold your energy in line and coordinate your efforts. You need to keep track of your health this year, don't overextend yourself: respect your boundaries.
Don't try to be attached to things that have no meaning. You will be kept on the move. Be only direct, aggressive and positive! Be adventurous and innovative. Take that chance!
MONKEY: 1908-120-132-144-156-168-'80 Join your forces and don't be Indifferent. Take advantage of things slowing down a little. Cultivate confidence in yourself and others. Notice the small things.
COCK: 1909-121-133-45-157-169-181 Listen. Discuss. Reason. Guard your desire to stand alone show some friendliness. You can be involved in many things. Travel is in the forecast.
DOG: 1910-122-134-146-158-170-182 This can be a very well balanced. time for you; but remember: what you've started is going to come back to you. Karmatic debts will be paid back soon.
BOAR: 1911-123-135-147-159-171-183 A time of nourishment and growth. Challenge your difficulties: be solid and strong. Use your sensibility. Restore. This is your time for new beginnings.
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March 2nd
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